Recipe: Power Ball - The iron supplement without side effects
Low iron levels have become so common, especially amongst women. While we are more aware than ever of our iron levels thanks to blood tests, iron seems to magically disappear from our bodies despite eating enough iron - rich foods such as meat and seafood for heme iron, and beets, sweet potato, beans, spinach and kale for non-heme iron. Low iron levels feel awful, with unexplained fatigue, shortness of breath, looking pale, increased heart rate and frequent headaches. It also causes low metabolism and chronic immune issues, which has created a tidal wave of iron supplements and infusions that only provide temporary relief from symptoms and don’t address the root cause.
While modern medicine blames diet, inflammation and heavy periods for low iron, these are actually symptoms of excess Pitta (fire) dosha and weak Agni (digestive strength). From the Ayurvedic perspective, when there is too much heat in the mind and body, the fire literally burns through nutrition too quickly and reduces it to ash - leaving very little energy for you to work with. Modern medicine concurs that increased acidity (hello pitta) in the gut inhibits the absorption of iron. The blood, or rakta in Sanskrit, is like the central heating system for your entire body as it circulates warmth, nutrition, energy and vitality. Low blood quality coupled with a weak digestive fire creates a ripe environment for toxins to build in the gut, resulting in a weakened immune system, frequent bouts of illness and chronic fatigue. Low iron is just another symptom rather than the cause!
But it’s also a good reason for getting on top of your iron needs naturally:
Add good quality bone broth in soups and stews;
Incorporate soaked, well-cooked and spiced legumes such as beans and lentils;
Avoid caffeine and alcohol which aggravate pitta and create the illusion of energy; and
Fix your gut issues (come work with me, I know how!).
Another great source of iron is black sesame seeds! Considered an Ayurvedic superfood, black sesame seeds are an excellent source of calcium, copper, magnesium, iron, zinc and healthy fats, all of which are often missing from the modern diet. They are inexpensive, easily available at whole food stores and South Asian grocers, and research suggests that they can even reduce oxidative stress and symptoms of chronic disease. I recently made a whole batch of black sesame ‘power balls’, and they disappeared in about 10 days - my whole family got into them, including the kids! Any treat that is this quick to make and healthy is worth it.
Ingredients (makes approximately 25 balls)
2 cups black sesame seeds
1- 1.5 cups jaggery/ sweetener of choice depending on taste (avoid honey)
1/2 cup water
4 tblspn crushed almonds (without skin)
4 tblspn roasted and crushed peanuts
1 tspn cardamom powder
Toast the sesame seeds in a flat pan for 3-5 minutes (don’t burn them). Set aside.
2. In the same pan, add jaggery and water. Allow the jaggery to dissolve and then boil for 8 minutes.
3. Once it becomes a syrupy texture, switch off the heat.
4. Add the roasted sesame seeds, almonds, peanuts and cardamom powder into the syrup, combine well and cool for 5 minutes or so to allow the mixture to thicken.
5. Grease your hands with oil/ghee and prepare balls of 1 tablespoon. Alternately, crumble the mixture with your fingers and eat with a tablespoon.
6. Store in an airtight container for up to one month and enjoy this power snack each day after breakfast.
“Identify your problems, but give your power and energy to solutions”